What I've discovered I didn't buy in a store, get from a friend, or steal from my neighbor.
I discovered it!
I searched it out!
I found it!
I am your fellow traveler.
I have not arrived at the destination but am alongside you to tell you that the destination is not happiness (although it will be fantastic to get there) the journey is happiness. So where are my credentials to make a claim like that? Where's my masters degree, my PhD? Where is the proof that what I'm saying isn't a pile of hogwash? Well...I don't have a doctorate in happiness, I don't even have a degree...like at all...like in anything! (I'm basically a college drop out. I haven't even been to school for over a year now! Long story, I'm a missionary, ask me about it later when you comment.) So back to not having a degree in happiness -- Holy moly is there a degree you can get in happiness?? Cause if there is I'm definitely signing up for that this fall! (I'll be a college kid again) Enough about my lack of college education and the non existence of my PhD in happiness. Why should you trust what I've got to say or even keep reading? Because! I have gotten a education in happiness at the school of hard knocks and from my faith in Jesus Christ!
Now hold on just one second! For those of you who are like oh great another religious blog, give me one more minute to explain!
This is not a convert you to Jesus blog. This isn't a self righteous or self promoting faith blog. This is a down to earth normal person writing their thoughts about life and happiness that has worked for her, kind of a blog that hopefully will make you laugh and think and ultimately lead you to some spring of water that is in fact a spring of happiness! *Breath!* My whole goal is to help you. Like if this blog and what I have to say led you to an oasis or well or a rushing river or large lake of happiness, that would be incredible to me and make ME oh so very happy indeed!.....And heck if it leads you to the source of living water, Jesus Christ, despite what I just went on and on about not writing a Jesus blog, WELL SO BE IT!! I'll be very thrilled for you!! But the point of the blog is the springs and small creeks, and perhaps if I put a really really good post, a river!
Talk to my family, friends, I have a life that I'm trying to live. I'm a real person with real problems and real experiences. You should read my blog because I have a story and it is one filled with real happiness, and from the bottom of my heart I want you to have a life filled with joy too! Why?? Because that is one of the reasons we are here on this often miserable little planet. Let's have a reality check here for a second. Life is hard! It's full of imperfect people and sorrows and trials and challenges and the list goes on and on and how in the heck can anyone ever be happy here?? And yet I truly am!! There are ways to be happy because I KNOW it's why we are here! We ARE here that WE might have joy! God wants us to be happy! I want to be happy! I want YOU to be happy!
If you are already happy and reading this, dude! CONGRATULATIONS! Make a comment! I would love to hear about your life and experiences and your journey of happiness! What's your story? I am positive that it is just as, if not more, inspirational and helpful than mine and we would all enjoy being lifted up by your beautiful and special experiences! The thing is, I am still on my journey to happiness. I'm never gonna quit the journey-ing because I never want to quit the happy...ing. Again, happiness is not the destination alone, it is the journey.
I'm here for you when life gets hard! When those curve balls, knuckle balls and fast balls come striking you out, just read what I have to say. I have no fancy words or methods. It'll jut be real, you and me, hashing it out. I'm here because I had a Friend help me out. Now I want to be that friend for whoever needs one. You are not alone. You are not the only one who is or has been unhappy. I have felt
unhappy and I have felt alone.
So my new friend! Here is my first word on how to be happy, right here and right now. Choose any of the following:
(the creation of your own small idea is acceptable)
Pet your dog, hug your kid, smile, take a breath of fresh air, read a book, tell someone they look great today, look out the window, gift wrap a little trinket you don't want anymore and give it to someone, ask your neighbor what their name is, do that thing you have been avoiding, Just Do! Act! Live! Move! If you're blue find some yellow, if you're yellow find some red, if your green...find a toilet
or a bucket, my blog really isn't going to help with that. It's really up to you! What will you do? Where will you go? I don't know
....but I just know you CAN. Start. Go.
This is my blog about journey's of happiness.
This is my story.
This is my life: and men are that they might have joy.
Sent from my iPad
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