Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Course Correction

There's been another real life will of God moment going on this past week. Remember from a few posts ago, "will of God moments" in life are those moments of painful growth, trials we don't understand or difficult course corrections. They are the moments when God prunes us, shapes us, and refines us. Where He says very plainly, "I know what I want you to be and I know what I want you to do and although you don't see it now, this will lead you down the path of happiness." In order to understand this post at all and what I'm talking about, you're gonna need to watch this short video entitled "The Will of God."

Also, in order for me to share this experience and what I have learned from it, we'll need to take a trip down memory lane so that I can fill you in on some events that led to this moment. The best way I can do this is to write it as if I had a journal entry for each of them.  If I had them they would read something like this:

October 5th, 2012
Holy moly!!! You will not believe what happened this morning! The
prophet Thomas S. Monson spoke and...........CHANGED THE AGE FOR MISSIONARY SERVICE!!! I know it was revelation from God and I am so excited for all that will accompany this historic event! Check this: young men can now go at 18 yrs old instead 19 and I am not pulling your leg young women can now go at 19 instead of 21. Oh my goodness!  Am I supposed to go on a mission?? And if I do when?? I feel the spirit saying I should go but I have been working so hard for my
interior design degree! it really my turn to go?

Courtesy of Interior Design Facebook
October 16th, 2012
I've still been thinking an awful awful lot about serving a mission.
But it seems like the worst timing ever! I am loving school right
now, IT IS SO HARD but it has been the best semester ever! I am
actually pulling good grades and understanding the classes. My
projects have never looked better, I actually feel slightly
successful. I haven't asked The Lord yet if I should serve....I'm
scared what the answer will be!! But I'm always thinking about it and
weighing my options...

Thursday, April 17, 2014

What is all this "Because of Him"?

If you've been on facebook at all this week, or any other type of social media, you may have noticed a new trend happening.
What is all of this #becauseofhim anyways??
Well this is a special week for millions and millions of people around the world.  This is the week set apart to celebrate the life and sacrifice of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  The 'because of Him' inititives purpose is to share the wonderful, glorious, and miraculous message that changed the world, and personally, changed my life. 
Because of Him, I don't have to be afraid. 
Because of Him, I have hope.  Because of Him, there is purpose in my life. 
Because of Him, there is a life for me after this one.  Because of Him, I always have a friend.  Because of Him, there is One who understands what I'm going through. 
Because of Him, I am not alone. 
Because of Him, I know who I am.  Because of Him, I can be clean.  Because of Him, I am free. 
Because of Him, I HAVE JOY!

What do you have/know/feel because of Him?
or even...
Do you want to know what you have, can have, or will have because of Him?

Monday, April 14, 2014

Joy in the Journey

There are many people who would fit under this definition. The pioneers to whom I am referring to in this post, are the pioneers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints; the first members who joined after hearing of The Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! They came from Europe, the East coast, and from the South, and began to settle new towns and build happy communities filled with peace and joy in their new faith. Then a persecution and bitterness could not be contained against them. They were driven from place to place by hatred. Mobs burned homes, killed men, women and children, and destroyed their beloved temple. Since the church had been restored in 1830, leaders felt they needed to move west in order to find peace from the mobs. In 1846, they began a great exodus westward to the Salt Lake Valley.

Monday, April 7, 2014

What Will You Choose?


Life is a series of choices.

In the world there are so many influences pulling you to choose a certain way. Those influences can be simplified to a pull between good and evil. Sometimes we have a choice placed before us by a group of people, pressuring us to follow their crowd. Sometimes the choice happens when we are alone and no one is watching. Inside us we feel the conflict of choice between right and wrong.

What will you choose?

Who will you listen to?

Listen to the goodness in your own heart. Every person born on this earth has been given a moral compass, often called a "conscience." This "conscience" helps us know which side of the choice before us is right and which one is wrong. In my church, we call it, "the Light of Christ." And instead of me trying to explain what it is, I'm gonna let this incredible video do it for me!

                                                                  Patterns of Light: Part I
                             My choices matter. My choices shape my destiny and my character.

If I listen to that light within me, I will be able to make good choices that take into account my happiness now and will bring about lasting happiness. Choosing good, results in good. Choosing bad, results in bad. God wants us to make good choices because He loves us, and knows that will bring us happiness.  Satan wants us to choose bad because he wants us to be unhappy, because he knows wrong choices will pull us away from God.  Misery loves company and he is the most miserable being in existence and "he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself." He's going to lie to you to get you to choose poorly and say:
                                                                                                 "just once won't hurt,"
                                                                              "it will be fun,"       
                                                                                         "it's no big deal,"
                                                                   "it doesn't matter,"
                                               "everyone is doing it."

                Just once WILL hurt,
                                             the consequences WON'T be fun,
                                  our choices DO matter,
                                                                      it IS a big deal,
                                           WHO CARES about everyone?  What do you think?  What does God?