Thursday, June 5, 2014

My Dear Friend Harold. Part Two

Harold's story continues...

If two seconds ago was the first time you've heard Harold's name, I really suggest you stop, hold your horses, and click right here! So that you can first read Part One of this post series.

Alright, now that is taken care of, roll the second reel of My Dear Friend Harold.

A whole two weeks later, and on another warm California night, the exciting event finally took place of meeting Harold! This night, although another great night in SoCal, had some differences from when we had visited Maxine and first heard about Harold. The differences were that it was a Tuesday instead of a Monday night and instead of this being our fifth back up, it was our number one, top of the rung, first priority, plan!

And the plan was simple. All we had to do was meet Maxine & Harold at the church where bishop was waiting to help. And all they had to do was show up.

A "Mormon" meetinghouse in Provo, Utah
My companion and I tried to make small talk while we waited outside the church for them, but we were so distracted with checking our watches every ten seconds! I was bouncing up and down on my heels praying that they would come and not ditch out or need to cancel. (Which by the way happens all too frequently in the life of a missionary!) Then suddenly, there before us, was our soon to be acquaintance and friend, Harold.

We hugged Maxine and shook Harold's hand. He wasn't what I had expected...