Thursday, June 5, 2014

My Dear Friend Harold. Part Two

Harold's story continues...

If two seconds ago was the first time you've heard Harold's name, I really suggest you stop, hold your horses, and click right here! So that you can first read Part One of this post series.

Alright, now that is taken care of, roll the second reel of My Dear Friend Harold.

A whole two weeks later, and on another warm California night, the exciting event finally took place of meeting Harold! This night, although another great night in SoCal, had some differences from when we had visited Maxine and first heard about Harold. The differences were that it was a Tuesday instead of a Monday night and instead of this being our fifth back up, it was our number one, top of the rung, first priority, plan!

And the plan was simple. All we had to do was meet Maxine & Harold at the church where bishop was waiting to help. And all they had to do was show up.

A "Mormon" meetinghouse in Provo, Utah
My companion and I tried to make small talk while we waited outside the church for them, but we were so distracted with checking our watches every ten seconds! I was bouncing up and down on my heels praying that they would come and not ditch out or need to cancel. (Which by the way happens all too frequently in the life of a missionary!) Then suddenly, there before us, was our soon to be acquaintance and friend, Harold.

We hugged Maxine and shook Harold's hand. He wasn't what I had expected...

I was picturing Harold as an *anxt tween*  who would be sporting a frown, slumpy shoulders, and a bad attitude. It was one of those exceptionally rare occasions where I was actually wrong!! Harold was, yes, a **tween**, but he was a very sweet boy, who politely introduced himself and expressed his gratitude for the appointment we'd help set up with the bishop.

*an emotional young person in their twenties*
**young person in their twenties**

 It was clear that Harold was sad and a little lost...but rebellious?? No way!

We were so curious about who this kid really was! He had dark hair that was cut  neatly and short, braces, a kind smile, and an overall normal appearance. What could be the problem Harold was going through? What was the family struggling with? So after that warm introduction and flood of questions in our mind, into the church we went, and into bishops office they went. My companion and I waited in the foyer talking to Brother Frudenberger. We asked how his day had been and he asked us "Who is Harold??"

It was actually more like 8pm
We again impatiently watched the time pass, but this time we watch the clock on the wall. We watched it  move slowly. 15...then 20....30....then 45 minutes slowly reeled the big hand.

"Smilin' Relief Society Sistas"
In the ***cultural hall*** to our left, there was a Relief Society activity going on for the Spanish ward. Right when we were wondering what was going on in there, Maxine exited the office and joined us on the couch. We excitedly asked her how it went and she responded about how hopeful she was feeling that this was exactly what Harold needed.  She also added that Bishop Potter had wanted to talk with Harold privately for a while longer, so we decided since Maxine was a native Latina, that we would join in the Spanish ward's activity. My companion and I, didn't understand a lick of anything that went on at the activity, but it was a good diversion for Maxine, who like any good Tia was still anxious for Harold to find happiness...which he was indeed, soon to find...

***A recreational and cultural center usually in the form of a gym and small stage found in the church buildings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  Used for a variety of church and family activities including but not limited to wedding receptions, congregational functions and dinners, scouts, youth groups, and congregational sports teams.***

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