My 18 month voluntary mission has come to an end. In a few days, I'll return to my family and I'll remove the name tag that has rested under my left shoulder (occasionally the right depending on hair flow that day) for the last year and half of my life. But though it be physically removed, it will ever be on my heart.
This has been the most challenging experience of my entire life. Tears have been shed, faith has been tested, testimony grown. My heart has been broken, my limits stretched, my joy filled. I've never been closer to God, part of a bigger purpose, or nearer to love.
To my old family, I look forward with gladness to the time when we are reunited in a few short days.
To my new family. I will miss you forever. You have changed me forever. I cannot put a number on how many times I've contemplated just how I will manage to return quickly and visit frequently! I will never forget the people so dear to me, the lessons the Lord taught me, or the love I have in my heart for each of you.
This is the closing of a critical chapter in my life, which means it is also a critical new beginning. My time as a full time teacher, preacher, and minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ is ending, but my sharing of the gospel and God's love in daily, regular life, is only just starting.
I leave my final testimony with you as a set apart representative of the Lord Jesus Christ.
He has restored essential truths to our salvation to the earth through an authorized prophet, Joseph Smith. The Book of Mormon is the word of God.
Don't believe me? Read it. See for yourself if my testimony is true.
Any one who believes in Jesus Christ as their Savior and Redeemer will believe in the truthfulness of this book, for surely as He liveth, these words testify of His divinity, lead us to follow Him, and exhort us to repent and live His everlasting gospel.
The heavens are open and revelation from God is flowing to the earth as in times of old in preparation to His second coming.
These important truths of the gospel have brought me greater happiness than any other earthly thing.
My full time mission is ending but my renewed life in Christ is only beginning. I hope you feel God's love in these words. For truly, a message of a restoration of truth and authority is a message of God's love and awareness of us in this time as His awareness of His children in Biblical times.
Again, God lives! He loves you! He is calling to you to learn of Him and seek after truth and righteousness through investigating the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.
I testify of these truths in His sacred name, even the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
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