Pride: Conceit, haughty behavior, ostentatious display. Justifying the ability of only oneself to do or live.
Vanity & Riches: Caring more of worldly items and behaviors than that of true value. ex) The latest iphone, a new car, looking like Kim Kardashian. These things might bring temporary enjoyment or fleeting purpose but it fails to create lasting joy.
Worshipping idols: Setting upon a pedestal that which is of worldly worth until our whole thought, time, and self is devoted to the item, sports team, or person, to name a few examples.
Unbelief: Doubt, uncertainty, discontentment, or unsurety. A negative view of the past, present, or especially the future. Disbelieving that there is more or better that can be found.
Affliction: Pain, distress, torment, torture, hard times, oppression, suffering, persecution, ordeal, tribulation, tyranny, hatred.
Trials: Testing of quality, value. Putting to proof through effort or attempt. Causes of trial and affliction include natural law, the choices of ourselves or others. Every action has a reaction--a consequence; cause and effect.
How can you be happy when there is so much out there causing the opposite?...Opposite...a term also worth an exploration of meaning. What if there was a law, a universal law, as real as gravity that stated, "there must be opposition in all things."
Pleasure Pain. Dark Light. Sickness Health.
Inside outside. Good evil. Love hate.
Unhappiness happiness.
Could we understand, enjoy, or appreciate happiness if we did not know what it was to feel unhappy? Understanding the law of opposition doesn't take away our unhappiness but it can help us identify why we may be unhappy. This can also teach us where true happiness abides. It grants us peace because it deepens our knowledge and understanding of the principles that govern the universe. For me, it helps me understand God and how central He is to my life, understanding, and happiness.
This video is an example of a woman who has faced a mountain of adversity. This is her testimony.
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