The last and most important equation, and sometimes the most difficult to understand, our afflictions. It seems that they are not few or infrequent for any member of the human family. But it is important to know that our afflictions and trials are not a punishment from an angry or unjust God but part of the plan of a loving God, our Heavenly Father. He knew--and we knew too, that life would be hard and that we would be faced with trials and sorrow that would cause anguish to our souls. The light in our dark times is our Savior, Jesus Christ. He is the opposition to darkness, pain, and affliction. One of our hymns describes this opposition:
"Does the journey seem long,
The path rugged and steep?
Are there briars and thorns on the way?
Do sharp stones cut your feet
As you struggle to rise
To the heights thru the heat of the day?
Is your heart faint and sad,
Your soul weary within,
As you toil 'neath your burden of care?
Does the load heavy seem
You are forced now to lift?
Is there no one your burden to share?
Let your heart be not faint
Now the journey's begun;
There is One who still beckons to you.
So look upward in joy
And take hold of his hand;
He will lead you to heights that are new—
A land holy and pure,
Where all trouble doth end,
And your life shall be free from all sin,
Where no tears shall be shed,
For no sorrows remain.
Take his hand and with him enter in."
I have found relief from these pains through Jesus Christ and His restored gospel. They have been replaced by love, peace and of course, happiness. I still face difficult and challenging times. Sometimes I get my priorities mixed up or forget what is truly important, but He is always there to light my way back to the path of happiness--the path that will eventually lead all who walk it "home to that heaven where Father is waiting for me." The words of Jesus Christ himself clearly distinguish the equation of opposition when facing the afflictions of this life, "These things I have spoken unto you that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." John 16:33. We all face different circumstances, if you want to be happy and you are not it's time to try something new! Maybe, it's time to change! We can change! We can have fresh starts to be happy! So what do you change in your life? Identify what you are doing to be happy and see if it is working, if it is not, try the opposite!
A man acquainted with grief and sorrow turned to the Savior and found the light in the dark afflictions in his life. Chris Williams' wife, daughter, and son were killed by a drunk teenage driver. An uplifting and inspirational example to me of how to find peace and happiness in the pit of devastation.
A man acquainted with grief and sorrow turned to the Savior and found the light in the dark afflictions in his life. Chris Williams' wife, daughter, and son were killed by a drunk teenage driver. An uplifting and inspirational example to me of how to find peace and happiness in the pit of devastation.
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